
Sinners Prayer

Like any born-again believer I do have a responsibility to respond to those who show (the slightest) interest in the message of salvation. If you are reading this then I believe that you have already gone some way towards this (the) most important of all matters facing each one of us during our relatively short stay on this earth. The calling is from Yahovah (God) who reaches out in His perfect timing to those who are given this opportunity to respond. It should not be left to another time because the call is too important and no-one knows whether there will be another opportunity to respond.

The Bible says “For Yahovah (God) so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” John 3:16. This gives the basis of the response. We are exhorted to believe (trust and obey) Him (Yahovah [God] as revealed in the scriptures) being Yahovah (God) whose principles (commandments) we follow and the sacrifice (Jesus) that was made for our sins. Yahovah (God) is a God of justice and each person that has ever been born has sinned. We can only have this sin taken away from us by Yashua (Jesus) (Yahovah [God] made flesh) bearing the due punishment for our sin. That is why Yashua (Jesus) came onto this earth 2,000 years ago. He came to bear the penalty for everybody’s sin. However, we can only be included in that “everybody” if we believe (trust and obey) Yahovah (God) and that Yashua (Jesus) has paid the penalty for our sin.

We are therefore being “saved” from the penalty that would otherwise be meted out to us by a just and righteous God given that we have perpetrated sinful acts (things wrongly committed and things wrongly omitted) during our time on earth. If we leave this earth “unsaved” then we are eternally separated from Yahovah (God) in Hell. If we leave this earth “saved” then we are eternally united with Yahovah (God) in Heaven. The stark truth is that there is a Heaven and there is a Hell and thousands of souls are being lost daily!

I would therefore exhort you to give this your most urgent consideration. Turning to Yahovah (God), accepting His word as truth and trusting in the saving death of Yashua (Jesus) is the most important thing that any of us could ever do in our lifetimes. This can be done through a simple but earnest and committing prayer along the following lines: 

“Dear Yahovah (God), I acknowledge that you are the one true God, that you created all things. I also acknowledge that I have done things that I should not have done and not done things that I should have done. I do sincerely regret all these wrong things and do ask that you forgive me. I also acknowledge that Yashua (Jesus) was provided by you to pay the penalty for all of my sins. I trust in His sacrificial death and that by His death all of my sins have been completely blotted out and that I become perfect in your eyes. Please help me to know you more, give me a hunger for your ways that I may seek to become more like Yashua (Jesus) every passing day. Amen.”

If you prayed that prayer it will be the first step on an eternal journey with Yahovah (God) that will give fullness of life as it was meant to be lived. It cannot be easily described in words and once experienced it can never be relinquished.

Start reading the Bible (New King James is a good version), join a church that teaches Yahovah's (God's) word and develop your prayer life (basically speaking to Yahovah [God]). Also, pass on the Good News because everybody that isn’t saved needs to be….You will know many people who need to know this message now. Perhaps family members or friends but also all those acquaintances that may be saved from an eternity in Hell by receiving this message from you. It is good to know that we do not save, it is only Yahovah (God) working through us that has soul-saving power. But we have the honour and the duty to be the messengers carrying God's free gift of salvation "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Messiah Yashua (Jesus), for it is the power of Yahovah (God) to salvation for everyone who believes" Romans 1:16.

And do not be put off by the inadequacies of the messengers (Christians, church-goers) and that means all of us. The messengers are by nature imperfect, very poor ambassadors of the God they represent. I think that Yahovah (God) wants to make the point to new believers that you do not need to be “perfect” or “worthy” and that if the messenger can be accepted with all of his or her short-comings that  Yahovah (God) who is calling you is truly “gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.” Ps 145:8. In the same way that you have received the salvation message through an imperfect messenger do not let your own perceived shortcomings prevent you from delivering the same vital message to all those who need to hear.