

Before accessing the rest of the contents of this site please take time to consider the following urgent information.

When Israel became a nation again in 1948 the end-times clock started ticking.The prophecy of the re-birth of a nation in just one day (Isaiah 66:8) had been fulfilled and all other end-times prophecies following on from the return of Israel to the homeland given to it by Yahovah (God) will similarly also be fulfilled. At the time of writing this some 65 years have elapsed. How many more years are there before the Second Coming of Yashua (Jesus)? No man can exactly determine although the signs are increasingly there to be seen by those who have eyes to see and ears to hear (Ezek 12:2). However, perhaps more importantly for each one of us personally is the question, how many more years, months, days or hours do I have on this earth before my own end-time?

The Bible tells each one of us "it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgement" Heb. 9:27. Where are you in your life on earth?  Do you have a relationship with Yahovah (God) who formed the heavens and the earth? Have you had all your own sin washed away and been made perfect and able to stand before a righteous and holy God? If not, then you are in great peril. You are walking a tightrope between 2 one hundred storey buildings with no safety net. No, that greatly understates the danger, it is much more perillous than that. You are facing an eternity in Hell with no remission for good conduct and foregoing an eternity in Heavenly bliss for the mere earthly trifles that pride and selfishness can bring, that carnal pleasure seemingly promises or that misplaced loyalty to unsaved loved ones can bestow. What a cruel and sad deception.

Perhaps you say that this is simply your view, that everyone has their own perspective, that others do not share your beliefs and that there is no proof that there is a God or if there is a God that He would act in the way that you describe. This is usually the response made by the reckless, the uncaring and the ignorant.

The proof of God's existence is all around us in the substance of creation of which each one of us is a part. This should naturally provoke some enquiry and questions about our own place in that creation. Are we simply a by-product of a human biological event or do we have a much greater significance? Anyone who cares enough about themselves and the people whose lives they touch must make reference to the Bible, the very word of Yahovah (God), in their search to find the answers to the all-important Life questions. Not to do so will indicate that they do not really care about themselves or about others, that they are happy enough to remain ignorant and that carnal existence is sufficient. The faith that we need for salvation is engendered by the Bible "faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Yahovah (God)." Roms 10:17. The Bible tells us everything that we need to know about Yahovah (God), it is the way through which Yahovah's (God's) existence is proven and the plan and purpose of Life. These truths remain whether they are accessed or believed or ignored or rejected. At the very least you owe it to yourself and those you love to investigate and decide whether the Bible stands up to scrutiny in order to determine who is speaking truth.

Perhaps you say that you are young and wish to try everything that the world has to offer. That you want to be free and follow your own course based on your own desires and choices. You need to be made aware that you are not freely choosing but that you either follow Yahovah (God) who made you who has your best interests at heart or you follow the Evil One, the Devil who wishes to destroy you. There is no third alternative for "He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters." Luke 11:23. We are not truly independent. We are the product of a society, of relationships and experiences forged out of a maelstrom of events, decisions and actions that have shaped our view on life and our ability to process thoughts and inclinations. We are shaped both by the good and the bad. Both of these have to be properly defined for what is "good" and what is "bad"? We are lovingly warned that "wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life and there are few who find it." Mt &:13-14 The way to real Life is a narrow way based on pursuing what is good first rather than on pursuing first that which appears to be pleasurable. Pursuing good gives us a compass point in our lives that enables right decisions to be made. What is good is defined in the Bible for Yahovah (God) is good. 

Perhaps you say that you are basically a decent person and have never done anyone any real harm. But the standard to be attained is absolute perfection. So have you told a lie or thought a bad thing or spoken an unkind word? If so, you have failed the test "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of Yahovah (God)" Roms 3:23. You cannot rely on your own perception of what is acceptable to Yahovah (God) because your view of your own "decency" is not the standard that He uses. Yashua (Jesus) tells us "No one is good but One, that is, Yahovah (God)." Mt 19:17; Mk 10:18; Lk 18:19

Perhaps you believe that you can follow your own way now even though it is the way of the Devil and follow Yahovah (God) later in life after you have tried other things. However, you do not know how long you may have in this life and what may happen in the meantime. How much damage can you inflict on yourself and how many lost opportunities for good will you forego? Why take the risk by  following the wrong crowd and trying to obtain the satisfaction, joy and peace that only Yahovah (God) can give? If something is good then Yahovah (God) would allow it. It is only the bad things that Yahovah (God) wants to protect us from.  

Perhaps you are hiding from Yahovah (God) because you believe that you are already beyond redemption that you have committed such wrong things that you can never merit His forgiveness. However, Yahovah's (God's) forgiveness is not based on your merit nor on the scale of your sin. It is simply based on His righteousness and your faith which accesses that righteousness "Come now, and let us reason together, saith Yahovah (God): though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." Isa 1:18 and "For Yahovah (God) so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Jn 3:16.

Just consider for one moment that Yahovah (God), the God of all the universe, needed to come to earth in the person of Yashua (Jesus) and die upon the cross to pay the penalty for your sin and mine. Why would He do this if it was not required & the need not that important? Why would He do this if the eradication of sin could be accomplished by any other means? The answer is that your sin and mine is too important for Yahovah (God) not to have come to earth and die for us! The truth is that there was no other alternative. It was the only way that our sin could be washed away and that we could be made sinless. But we have to join ourselves to Yahovah (God) who did this for us by trusting and obeying Him. We become one with Him through faith. Faith is an acceptance that Yahovah (God) is, that His words as recorded in the Bible are truth, that we need a saviour to save us from the sins that we have committed and that the penalty for those sins has been paid by the death of Yashua (Jesus) the Messiah (being God in flesh) for all those who have faith in Him. Yashua (Jesus) tells us "For Yahovah (God) so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." Jn 3:16. Through faith we give Him our sin and He gives us His righteousness which is perfection. This is the only way that we become sinless and are made able to be accepted by Yahovah (God) into His kingdom. Through faith we gain eternal life. Without faith we suffer eternal death.

As you will understand, this relationship with Yahovah (God) is the most important decision that you can ever make. It is the most important aspect of your life. It is the difference between eternal life and eternal death. It should not be left to another second. If you do not have that relationship then please access The Sinners Prayer section immediately and turn to Yahovah (God) now and ask Him to literally save you! He is the only one that can do it and He wants to do it now. This may be the last chance that you have to be saved from an eternity in hell because none of us knows the number of our days. None of us knows how long we have left to live because we are all 1 heart-beat away from death. I do not believe that your reading this at this time is a coincidence. There are no coincidences in life. Yahovah (God) is seeking to bless you now with eternal life and I plead with you to accept that blessing now....whilst you still can.